Garda Trentino Logo
Garda Trentino Logo
Terms and Conditions

Gcs for the experiences


Garda Trentino Experience
The excursions offered by the Garda Trentino Experience project are offered by Garda Dolomiti S.p.A. - Azienda per il Turismo – with head offices in 5, Largo Medaglia d’Oro al Valor Militare, 38066 Riva del Garda (TN) together with local tour organizers, as well as activities offered by third-party partners and marketed by Garda Dolomiti.

What to wear
You must wear suitable clothing and bring your own drinking water.

Should the User of the service for any reason cancel, there will be no refund of the sum paid when booking. 

Substitute service and unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure

Should it prove impossible to carry out the excursion as a result of unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, such as, for example, the decision at the sole discretion of the guides that weather conditions make the excursion impossible, then Garda Dolomiti S.p.A. is bound to refund the sum paid on booking.
However, with the consent of the User, Garda Dolomiti S.p.A. may make another service available to the User to substitute the one which was booked and has proved unavailable, as long as it is equivalent to or superior to the experience booked.

The privacy policy on the handling of personal data in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 and Legislative Decree 196/03 can be found at the link


We invite our clients to carefully read this document for signing up for the activities organized by Garda Dolomiti and by third-party partners implies the automatic acceptance of the general conditions mentioned below. Garda Dolomiti reserves the right to make any changes to its disclaimer and to the legal notes published on this page at any time. The client is held responsible for verifying the contents of the disclaimer and the legal notes each time they go on to the site, insofar as the use of the site and the participation in the activities organized by Garda Dolomiti and by third-party partners implies the automatic acceptance by the client of such variations, once the eventual variations to the disclaimer and to the legal notes have been published. These General Conditions apply to all the activities offered by third-party partners and marketed by Garda Dolomiti within the Garda Trentino Experience project.

Garda Dolomiti makes every reasonable effort, in view of its risk management policy in connection with the activities organized, to reduce these risks within acceptable limits. Despite this, the very nature of the activities excludes at its root the possibility of controlling all sources of danger. Carrying them out as they are organized implies the User’s acceptance of relative responsibility. Garda Dolomiti cannot guarantee nor assume any responsibility as a result of carrying out such activities, even when involving minors or people with physical or cognitive disabilities. 

In case a parent or a guardian were to read and accept the present disclaimer and its legal notes, please note this also implies the assumption of responsibility regarding the evaluation of the suitability of the minor in their care to take part in the chosen activity, regarding their educational and psycho-physical profile. It also implies assumption of responsibility for what is indicated in the specific disclaimer submitted to you, which you are to read carefully in the interest of your children.

The clauses here mentioned are not meant as means to avoid respecting the requirements prescribed under current legislation, nor to exclude responsibility for the cases in which it cannot be excluded in accordance with current legislation, but only to clarify the content of the relationship and the obligations for which each side is reciprocally responsible.

For any eventual dispute in connection either with the present site or the proposed activity, or any other subject, between the client and Garda Dolomiti, the client accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Rovereto (TN).

I, the undersigned, having chosen to participate in the activity booked by me and having read the previous legal notes:

  • I declare to have attentively read the disclaimer along with the specific document containing detailed information regarding the activity booked and the manner in which this activity will be carried out by the Garda Dolomiti and by third-party partners;
  • I also declare to have fully understood the contents of the disclaimer and the specific document and confirm I wish to participate in the abovementioned activity in the manner described in the documentation;
  • I declare to be aware of the fact that the activity which I have agreed to take part in involves taking risks, only partly minimized by the presence of a Tour Guide. Nevertheless, I am aware of the remaining risk, which can never be completely eliminated, and I agree therefore not to bring any action against the organization in case of accident;
  • I agree and oblige myself to scrupulously abide by all the rules, instructions, indications, warnings given to me by the Tour Operator(s) before, during and after the activity until return to base; and to abstain from any personal initiative, collaborating at all times for the successful outcome of the activity according to what was indicated and/or requested;
  • I also agree from now on to accept and not question any eventual decisions by the Tour Guide to postpone, suspend or change the excursion, recognizing forthwith the validity of the motive for such a choice;
  • I agree and am obliged to take with me adequate clothing as described in the specific document, and to wear and use all the material and equipment which the Tour Operator(s) gives me, following all the indications and instructions given. I declare I am aware of the risks arising from the use of the gear, which must follow the indication given and is assumed to be under my responsibility. I also agree to reimburse any possible damage caused by the improper use of the material supplied by the organization;
  • I also declare that I have adequate experience for the activity I have registered for, am of sound health and not affected by any physical pathologies which could influence the successful outcome of the activity by preventing me from carrying out the activity, by being worsened by the activity, and/or cause the organization to adopt any specific measures and provisions. In which case, I agree to make direct contact with the organization at least 48 hours beforehand, in order to permit Garda Dolomiti to accept/refuse/modify my booking. In any case, I agree to accept the evaluation by the organization as to my suitability or lack thereof to take part in the activity, and/or the means to deal with any part of it;
  • I am aware that on the minibus, during the transportation to the activity’s site, it is mandatory to fasten seat belts and indemnify Garda Dolomiti from the payment of any eventual fines derived from omitting to do so. I declare that I do not hold Garda Dolomiti responsible for the theft or loss of any personal property left on board the organization’s transport.


Trekking or mountain hiking is an activity based on walking on mountain terrain along routes which are more or less difficult, but not easily accessible. They require physical and mental effort, as well as a minimum of preparation and proper equipment, in view of the length of the trekking and the environment where it is carried out.

The risks are typical of a physical activity carried out in a difficult and inhospitable environment (injuries from falling down and/or crushing to the ground from above, tendinitis due to over-exertion of limbs or their incorrect use; Sun burn/erythema; Sun stroke; physical exhaustion etc.)

What you need to know:

  • For excursions lasting more than one day and also in the case of high altitude trekking, individual equipment must consist of the following: Trekking boots (no gym shoes or sandals,) mountain backpack and its cover (for a day excursion a 30 liter backpack is sufficient, while we suggest a 50-60 liter backpack for excursions of several days), waterproof and windproof jacket with hood, microfibre technical t-shirts, micro-fleece and windproof fleece, trekking socks, long trekking trousers (NO jeans), sun hat and wool hat, gloves (in winter waterproof ones are better), water bottle of at least 1 LITETR, sunglasses, sun cream stick for lips; optional ski poles).
  • Before starting the activity, the Tour Guide will hold a briefing to supply specific information regarding the activity, which is about to be undertaken, as well as indications on the equipment supplied and how to carry out the activity safely. All participants must collaborate and follow all the indications of the Tour Guide.
  • Only in the case of excursions lasting less than a day and in a NON-high-altitude environment can the equipment be reduced to a backpack with a change of clothing, water bottle/thermos, sunglasses and hat, water and a snack; camera or action camera which will possibly be made available by Garda Dolomiti.
  • With the exception of an activity lasting several days and/or at high altitude, no particular experience is requested. It is indispensable however to be in good physical shape, not to suffer from vertigo and from fear of the void and to have an inclination for activities requiring mental and physical effort. No drug or alcohol abuse.