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Culture, food and wine, entertainment


Culture, food and wine, entertainment.

Medieval shows and other side events in the charming square of the medieval village of Canale. Jesters, minstrels, storytellers, street performers, musicians and skilled acrobats from the circus of the east. In the streets of the village you can meet costumed characters re-enacting duels, processions and ancient markets. The atmosphere of the village is made suggestive by the presence of banners, flags, tables bearing edicts of Lombard rulers and torch lights. There are also original games for children and adults that date back to traditions that are no longer in use, such as medieval crosses, or others that hark back to popular customs such as the sack race, the pignatte game and the treasure hunt. The proposal of typical dishes from the lower Trentino region has over time become one of the event's main attractions. Dishes such as polenta and peveraà, goulash, rustic loin, pork leg, tripe, salt cod, bro brusà, pork loin with sauerkraut, dumplings, mushrooms, all served and enjoyed in Volti e Ere that retain the charm of the original 13th-century architecture.


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Borgo Medievale di Canale di Tenno
Canale di Tenno
Comitato Ville del Monte
Ville del Monte
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