Garda Trentino Logo
Garda Trentino Logo
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Curious about what it all entails?
From 25 to 28 April 2024, a dedicated litter-picking event involving the local community and visitors is set to take place to cleanse, safeguard, and enhance the appeal of a region bursting with opportunities for outdoor pursuits and immersion in nature: the Garda Trentino CleanUP Days initiative!

Over four days... Sustainability takes centre stage:
fostering awareness and a deeper connection to our surroundings.
Year after year, Garda Trentino supports important measures that help it evolve into a greener and smarter destination, aligning with its ethos of an active lifestyle intertwined with nature. Coming to APT for the first time in 2024, Garda Trentino CleanUP Days is a special initiative that spans various Alpine destinations and stops on the PATRON CleanUP Tour (created by the non-profit association PATRON).

Responsibility beckons:
everyone is invited to take part! It’s easy and free to sign up: all you need to do is select a date within the designated time frame and choose your preferred route.  For inspiration, the interactive CleanUP Map offers a selection of suggested trails, highlighting locations for litter collection and showcasing fellow participants.
The CleanUP Map also features CleanUP Stations at Garda Trentino infopoints, scattered across the region, and affiliated partners where you can pick up your CleanUP Kit—a reusable, recycled polypropylene bag, and a stainless-steel litter picker.

And, finally... Get ready for an engaging experience:
Once equipped, participants can embark on their adventure, embracing nature, camaraderie, and the rewarding feeling of making a tangible difference to the environment.
Those involved in the initiative are encouraged to share their experiences using the hashtag #grabitandtagit and tagging @gardatrentino on Instagram, inspiring others to join the #plasticfreepeaks movement. Participants who share their CleanUP efforts on social media will be entered into a draw and stand a chance to win prizes gifted by the initiative's sponsors.
Community Hikes will also take place during the event, providing opportunities for conversation, learning, and personal and professional growth.

Find out more about the Garda Trentino CleanUP Days!