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Via Ferrata Caduti di Nassirya

Dro & Drena

Duration in hours
Distance in km
Suggested period

The Via Ferrata Caduti di Nassirya traverses the second section of the Rio Sallagoni gorge.

The Via Ferrata Caduti di Nassirya is a unique and captivating adventure that leads you through a stunning gorge nestled beneath the castle of Drena. From the very beginning, the trail offers a magical atmosphere: a shaded path winds its way into an almost fairy-tale setting, where the stream gently flows between mossy rocks and small waterfalls.

After the initial ascent, you enter the heart of the gorge, where the rocky walls close in tightly and the sound of flowing water accompanies your every step. Here, the route weaves through suspended bridges, metal ladders, and pathways that appear to hang in mid-air, offering breathtaking views of shimmering waterfalls and light dancing on the wet rock faces.

Each section invites you to immerse yourself in nature, breathe in the fresh air of the gorge, and relish the silence broken only by the gentle murmur of water. It’s an experience that combines the thrill of adventure with the serenity of an untouched landscape, culminating near the castle, which stands majestically overlooking the valley.

Further information and useful links

Facing a via ferrata requires knowledge of the right technique of progression and some training. If you want to try out this experience for the first time or check the use of the via ferrata set, we recommend that you contact one of our mountain guides: Guides – Via ferratas with the experts 

For further information on routes, activities, events and accommodation at lake Garda: Garda Trentino - +39 0464 554444

Route info
Route number
1,2 km
1 h 00 min
Altitude difference (+)
100 m
Altitude difference (-)
100 m
Physical effort
Highest point
374 m
Lowest point
275 m
Safety guidelines

The via ferrata marked with the logo Outdoor Park are part of Garda Trentino Outdoor Park. With this project, the Tourism Board and the Public Administration are working to guarantee, for the infrastructures so marked, the highest safety standards compatible with sport climbing on natural terrain.

Every year, qualified professionals check the condition of the equipment on the via ferrata and replace it where necessary.

In any case, via ferrata are a natural environment, which can be unpredictable and is exposed to all kinds of weather conditions. This is why you should always be careful and adopt all measures required to ensure your own safety and that of your companions.


Via Ferrata Safety tips

  • Choose the route based on your actual psycho-physical preparation, technical ability, and experience. Always assess the conditions of crowding, weather, the state of the fixed equipment, and the route. The final decision and responsibility for the passability of the route lie entirely with the person who decides to undertake it. If you are unsure, seek information or rely on qualified professionals.
  • Only do the via ferrata if you are reasonably fit and in excellent health.
  • Use proper safety gear (helmet, harness, ferrata kit with double selflocking carabiners and energy absorbing systems). Put on your helmet once you get near to the wall in case of rock falls.
  • Check the weather report and do not undertake the via ferrata ascent in adverse weather conditions, especially in the event of a thunderstorm threat.
  • The risk of rock falls increases if there are others on the via ferrata or with wind or rain.
  • During progression always keep both carabiners clipped onto the safety cable and when you pass the anchor points make sure at least one carabiner is clipped on to the metal cable.
  • Only one person may be on any length of cable between two anchor points.
  • Always check route conditions; in winter you may find snow and ice, making progress very dangerous.
  • Begebe dich nie allein auf den Klettersteig, da niemand sonst im Notfall Alarm schlagen kann.
  • Do not do the via ferrata alone: if you have an accident nobody will be able to call for help.


Emergency telephone number 112.


The information on this chart is subject to inevitable variations, so this means that none of the indications are absolute. It is not entirely possible to avoid giving inexact or imprecise information, given how quickly environmental and weather conditions can change. For this reason, we decline any responsibility for changes which the user may encounter. In any case, the hiker is advised to check the conditions of the places, environment and weather before setting out.

Punto di partenza

From the village of Drena, descend near the castle along the exit trail of the first section of the Rio Sallagoni via ferrata. After crossing the stream, continue to the left for about thirty meters along the path until you reach the start of the equipped section. Climb two rocky blocks using the metal rungs (7) and cross a short “humpback” section before ascending a rock slab to the right of a waterfall (8). Next, cross to the left side of the stream, climb a short wall, and traverse a narrow gorge using metal rungs and a short rope bridge (9). Ford the stream again and ascend an inclined slab (10). Shortly after, ford once more to climb the rock wall on the left and traverse a new narrow section with a long crossing. After returning to the right-hand side of the stream, continue on the rungs with a brief athletic section (11) until you ascend a vertical rise next to a waterfall (12). A section over water-covered rocks follows, after which you return to the left side to climb a block leaning against the wall (13). From there, with a long traverse a few meters above the water, you reach the exit ramp (14).

At the end of the equipped path, follow the trail that descends along the bank of the Rio Sallagoni, bypassing the water treatment plant, to reach the road leading up to the castle.

Note: Avoid entering the adjacent fields—they are private property.

public transportation

Drena is connected by the intercity bus lines 204 (Riva del Garda – Cavedine – Trento) to the other places in Garda Trentino.

Stop in the locality Marocche on request.

Up-to-date information on timetables and routes.

How to get there

From Arco follow the SS45bis road to Dro and then SP84 in the direction of Drena.

Find out how to reach Garda Trentino.

Where to park
Parking space close to the castle

You need to wear the right clothing and take the proper gear when you go hiking in the mountains. Even on relatively short easy outings make sure to take all you need so you don't run into trouble if things take an unexpected turn, for example a storm blows up or you have a sudden drop in energy levels.

What should you absolutely have with you on a via ferrata tour?

  1. rucksack (25/30L capacity) for a day trip
  2. technical mountain clothing  
  3. hiking boots with Vibram or similar sole  
  4. via ferrata gear  
  5. harness  
  6. helmet  
  7. gloves  
  8. pickaxe and crampons (when necessary)  
  9. a length of rope (recommended)
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