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Festa dell'ospite

Culture, food and wine, entertainment


Culture, food and wine, entertainment

On 14th and 15th August a free shuttle-bus service is available from Riva del Garda, tho consult the timetable click here.


MERCOLEDì 14 agosto 2024

  • Ore 17.00: Beginning of festivities
  • Ore 19.00: Dinner (potato polenta, meat skewers with side dishes)  
  • Ore 21.00: Evening in company with the music of "PAUSA MERLOT"
  • Ore 24.00: End of night festivities

GIOVEDì 15 agosto 2024

  • Ore 09:00: Beginning of festivities
  • Ore 10:00: Holy Mass in the church
  • Ore 11.00: Aperitif offered by Comitato pro Pregasina
  • Ore 12.00: Lunch: Meat skewer, salted meat, salami pastry burger, goulash, with side dishes
  • Ore 15.30: Games for children 
  • Ore 18.00: Drawing of lots and presentation of prizes 
  • Ore 19.00: Dinner
  • Ore 19.30: Evening in company with the music of "GEMELLI FISARMONICA"
All dates
Chiesa di San Giorgio - Pregasina
Comitato pro Pregasina
Pregasina - Riva del garda
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